What is a woman?
“What is a woman? She is not a multicooker, not a kitchen robot. She is the possibility of reproduction. One becomes a woman through the maturation of the cycle. It does not happen through washing the first dishes or cooking the first beans. It happens precisely through the sexual. It is only through the sexual that we manage to reach the essence of the woman. As a pronounced womanizer, Veselin Borishev is intensely curious about the female body. Stepping outside the boundaries of the norm of what a woman is, he sets those new frames in which to perceive her. In a naively voyeuristic way, looking through the ‘peephole’ of his lens, he suggests that we can see women in different roles and positions. And each woman has her frame. The photography of Veselin Borishev is a projection of the external world; it is interiorization - introduced from the outside in. He has not captured something purely laboratory; he has captured the living world. Veselin Borishev does not seek to project himself into society but does merely the opposite – he reveals his missing, the feminine. And healthily, he pays attention to what is beyond him without saying to himself, ‘I am up to here, and after that is the woman.’ He curiously continues from where others have stopped and wants to see what is around the corner. It is characteristic of a small child to cut the ball to see what bounces inside, to break the toy to see who drives the car. This curiosity of his towards Eros, bordering on naivety, has homogeneously merged with a mature presence, capable of empowering the woman to be erotic.”
Mladen Vladimirov, psychologist
Learn more about Framing in this video
Learn more about Framing in this video
Drawing an analogy with gonzo journalism, where the reporter doesn’t just report the events but participates in them, Veselin Borishev calls the “Framing” series ‘erotic gonzo photography.’ No professional models were posing for it. He took the majority of these shots during his personal life over 20-30 years. Later, he decided to frame them, but not in the usual way. He started from the end to the beginning. He collected old frames, and for each one, he looked in his archive for a photo from which to create a work for that particular frame. Thus, he framed not the photograph but the perception of it. That is why each piece in “Framing” has two dates - the year of the shot and the year of the framing. The outcome of the framing process is a one-of-a-kind collection, very eclectic in style, size, color, form, and mood, but consistent in one thing - honesty.
Exhibition Views
Photo Museum, Kazanlak
23.01.2024 - 14.02.2024
Framing, The Soft Version
Toplocentrala, Sofia
16.04.2024 - 12.05.2024
“Пуританът у мен получи сблъсък с товарния влак. Което позволи на естета у мен да разглежда на спокойствие.”
Калин Стоянов
“И да не ви се иска, изложбата на Веселин Боришев ще бъде едно от събитията на годината.”
Детелина Пинева
“Има толкова обич към жената в тия снимки, че не е нужно да се вижда отговорът на тая обич във физиономията отсреща. Има и миниатюрна снимка на педикюр. В последно време това е най-отявлението тържество на феминизма, правено у нас.”
Полина Паунова
“Ние никога не оставаме в образа (или текста), просто защото е невъзможно. Всяка идея ни повежда, който накъдето и който докъдето. Така и във Фрейминг | Framing - приближава се интимното между Него и Нея; гледаш отдалеч - ето ги рамките, които те разхождат из призрачни отрязъци на чужд живот, но и сковани с историята на общото ни минало; гледаш втори път и прочиташ нови неща и щеш не щеш тоя приближаващ се и отдалечаващ се свят е и твой.”
Боряна Пандова